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Finding Hair Joy Again With A Human Hair Wig After Beating Cancer! Silk or Lace in NBC Dallas News

Finding Hair Joy Again With A Human Hair Wig After Beating Cancer! Silk or Lace in NBC Dallas News

When we started our wig and topper company, Silk or Lace, one of our main goals was to connect, build and support our local Dallas community of women with hair loss. 

On December 4th, Miranda and NBC News came to our wig shop in Plano, Texas to experience what it's like trying on human hair wigs and the pure joy and emotions that go along with it!

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How I Beat Trichotillomania: My Journey to Self-Love and Acceptance

How I Beat Trichotillomania: My Journey to Self-Love and Acceptance

Jessica celebrates Hair Loss Awareness Month by sharing her experience with Trichotillomania, a body focused repetitive disorder (BFRB). While struggling alone for so long and wondering to herself if trichotillomania will ever go away, she found a community through wearing hair that helped her overcome her feelings for isolation and fear.
Suran Yoo
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Hair Loss Awareness Month | What Women With Hair Loss Want You to Know

Hair Loss Awareness Month | What Women With Hair Loss Want You to Know

Hair Loss Awareness Month is dedicated to the millions of men, women, and children who are currently experiencing hair loss and navigating the social stigmas associated with it. Reasons why people might lose their hair include styling techniques and practices, health conditions, trauma, genetics, aging, medication. The list goes on.

When most people think about hair loss, they picture a balding man. But women experience thinning hair, too. In fact, did you know that it’s estimated that more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss in their lifetime? So, why is no one talking about it?

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Happily Ever After: Getting Married in a Wig or Hair Topper

Happily Ever After: Getting Married in a Wig or Hair Topper

Saying those two words, "I do" have never been more life-changing, destiny-altering. As you look into the eyes of your partner-for-life, I'm telling you the last thing you want to think about is your hair.

But saying "yes to the tress" is not as easy as you'd first think it would be. 

Here's some of the advice I have for future brides on things I thought went well and some things I wish I would have done. 


Suran Yoo
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Silk or Lace Creators: Diana Ford, Hair Loss Stylist

Silk or Lace Creators: Diana Ford, Hair Loss Stylist

Diana Ford is a hair stylist and wig technician who specializes in customizing hair pieces for women with alopecia. In addition to her technical skillset, we asked Diana about her POV on race in regards to wigs and hair pieces, especially in light of BLM. 


Suran Yoo
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Pulling Teeth: What it's like wearing a wig to the dentist

Pulling Teeth: What it's like wearing a wig to the dentist

Written by @fauxringlets

silk or lace, human hair wig, human hair topper, wigs for thinning hair, wigs for hair loss, wearing wigs in public

The first time I wore a wig to the dentist, I was incredibly nervous.

For days before my appointment, I worried my dentist would be able to tell I was wearing a wig. She would be so close to my face for long enough that she had to notice, right? 


My dentist didn’t notice. My hygienist didn’t notice.

When I went back, six months later for my next appointment, nobody noticed. Instead, my hygienist complimented my highlights. 

I am a quintessential over-thinker.

Even if I have no reason to believe they know I’m wearing a wig, I still worry when someone compliments my hair, always wondering: can they tell

Not this time.

In fact, I was so nervous, sitting there in the dentist’s chair, that I was very aware of where my hygienist and dentist were looking. They were looking at my teeth, not my hair. 

When my hygienist complimented my hair, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

It was such a relief, because I was struck by a moment of certainty that she had no idea I was wearing a wig. 

This, I thought, was surely the ultimate test. I’m rarely that physically close to someone who doesn’t already know I’m wearing a wig. I could hardly believe it would be possible to have someone that close to my face without noticing my hairline. 

So if you are wondering the same thing, let me reassure you.

It is entirely possible to be that close to someone, and to go to the dentist, without anyone noticing you are wearing alternative hair. Remember that most people don’t scrutinize the hairlines of everyone around them! 

Another important reminder:

Your dentist only sees you every couple of months. Don’t worry if they will think your hair has changed drastically since you’ve last seen them. They will not assume your hair has changed overnight.

Remember they see all their patients infrequently! They’re likely used to people’s hair changing between appointments. 

If it makes you feel better to tell your dentist that you’re wearing alternative hair, go for it!

If you’re going to spend your entire appointment filled with anxiety about whether or not they can tell you’re wearing hair, and telling them will make you feel better, then tell them. With that said, I’m telling you: you don’t have to.

Chances are, they won’t notice, because, quite frankly, they’re not paying any attention to your hairline. They’re focused on your teeth! 

My first time at the dentist with a wig on, I worried about more than whether my wig would be noticed. I was also very nervous that wearing a wig would interfere with my dental x-rays. 

It didn’t. 

Your alternative hair should not have any impact on your dental x-rays.

Dental x-rays are focused around your jaw, so parts of a wig like the clips or the metal in the eartabs should not interfere with the imaging.

I wore a wig with clips in it (the inside of the cap is pictured below), without any issues, so you should not have any problems if you are wearing a topper. 

silk or lace, human hair wig, human hair topper, wigs for thinning hair, wigs for hair loss, wearing wigs in public, human hair wig cap

You should also keep in mind that you will be reclining in a chair. Make sure you’ll be able to do that comfortably in your wig or topper. This likely will not be a problem, but if you tend to worry like I do, I recommend putting on the wig or topper you intend to wear to your appointment and laying your head back at home to test how secure it is. 

I have always found it reassuring to test out wearing my wigs at home before I wear them in public.

I experiment with everything from new wigs, to hairstyles, to activities. This helps me feel far more confident when I later wear my wig out of the house. Do whatever you need to feel as comfortable as you can! 

Additionally, I haven’t had any issues with my wig falling in my face at the dentist, but if you’re worried about it, a low ponytail is a great option. It will keep your hair out of the way, stay secure, and won’t sit in an uncomfortable place on your head when you sit back in the dentist’s chair. 

silk or lace, human hair wig, human hair topper, wigs for thinning hair, wigs for hair loss, wearing wigs in public

While going to the dentist for the first time with a wig (or topper) on can be nerve-racking, you should absolutely do it.

I’m a big believer that wearing hair shouldn’t prevent you from living your life to the fullest, and it certainly shouldn’t prevent you from looking after your health. I’ve had my fair share of anxiety about wearing wigs in new situations, so I hope my own time at the dentist can be reassuring to others.

You can absolutely wear alternative hair to the dentist, and be confident doing so!

Suran Yoo
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I Shaved My Head: Confessions of a ‘Bald Badass’

I Shaved My Head: Confessions of a ‘Bald Badass’

If you had told me five years ago that I was going to shave my head, I probably would have shrugged, said ‘good for me,’ and moved on with my life. Hell, when I was in college, I shaved both sides of my head and wore the remainder in poofy, cascading burgundy waves down to my boobs. It looked dope. 

But I didn’t shave my head to look dope.

I was sick of obsessing over trying to get my hair back - something that was clearly a losing battle. I did it to take control back from an uncontrollable situation. I don’t regret it for a second, but, it had consequences that I definitely wasn’t expecting. 

Suran Yoo
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Coming Out on Top(per): All about Toppers and how to Rock Them, written by @beckiiwitthegoodhair

Coming Out on Top(per): All about Toppers and how to Rock Them, written by @beckiiwitthegoodhair

The year is 2018.

I am in my bedroom researching solutions for thin hair.

I am overwhelmed with the results: vitamins, oils, hair transplants, Rogaine. Not only do I face sadness and anxiety regarding my thinning hair, but I also have the insurmountable task of figuring out how to best handle it.

Suran Yoo
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My Hair Loss Story, written by Audra Rackley @audrarackleyhair

My Hair Loss Story, written by Audra Rackley @audrarackleyhair

I’d like to start off by introducing myself. I’m Audra, and I have had Alopecia Areata since birth. There is no cure for this Autoimmune Disease, so I have been wearing hair for over 20 years. I am also a hair stylist. I am so grateful to have a profession in which I love and can help others. 

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The Big Bang: How Bangs Changed the Way I Thought of Alternative Hair, written by @Beckiiwitthegoodhair

The Big Bang: How Bangs Changed the Way I Thought of Alternative Hair, written by @Beckiiwitthegoodhair

I consider myself a hair-wearing novice. I bought my first piece in February 2019, but did not start regularly wearing hair until a few months ago. What got in my way of wearing the dang hair were my insecurities that the piece didn’t look natural. I would throw it on, debate it for as long as it took me to get ready, and end up taking it off.  

I also consider myself an impulsive person so it was not surprising that, despite my only recent plunge to begin wearing hair, I found myself communicating with a lovely hair loss sister (@skinandscrunchies) about buying her topper. Not any topper, though… a topper with bangs! I had never rocked such a look (unless you count toddler bangs).

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My Hair Loss Journey: Turning a Negative into a Positive, Written by @shannon2point0

My Hair Loss Journey: Turning a Negative into a Positive, Written by @shannon2point0

Real talk - hair loss isn’t something anyone, male or female, has ever wanted in life. I definitely did not think that by age 40, I would be mostly bald. I experienced some traumatic events in my 30s, and took birth control pills for 20+ years. I started to notice my hair was getting thin around age 30. I mostly ignored my thin hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. Fake it till you make it, right?
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Integrated Hair Toppers: Pros and Cons, written by Bonnie (@bruhshitoff)

Integrated Hair Toppers: Pros and Cons, written by Bonnie (@bruhshitoff)

I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me about my integrated hair topper, meaning that it stayed on my head 24/7! I showered with it, went to the gym with it and, though I never tried, I could even swim with it! 

The best thing about my integrated system is that it helped me accept my hair loss. But there are some caveats to an integrated hair system that are important to know before committing as well.

Read on for my personal experience and the pros and cons of integrated hair toppers!

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