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Alopecia and HD Lace Human Hair Wigs - A Conversation with Lacie Rodriguez

Alopecia and HD Lace Human Hair Wigs - A Conversation with Lacie Rodriguez

Lacie Rodriguez started losing her hair in college. After having her first child, she was officially diagnosed with Alopecia by her doctor. Thus the never ending cycle of researching hair loss and solutions for it on the internet began. 

After a stylist was trying to push tape in extension, Lacie explained it wouldn’t help her thinning on top. During a deep dive online, she found a YouTube video about a “hair extension topper” and it all clicked. Since then Lacie has devoted herself to sharing her experience wearing hair and helping women grow their confidence to do the same. 

We recently sent Lacie one of our HD lace front human hair wigs from our Silk or Lace Collection to see what she thinks about them after mainly wearing hair toppers. 

The Silk or Lace Collection is currently 20% off from 7/3 - 7/7 for our 4th of July sale!

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Interview conducted via email Jun 17, 2023


If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would it be? 

I’m a lover of connection, learning, and growth. 

You live in a small town in Utah. Do you find that it’s harder or easier to embrace wearing hair in that environment? 

When you know almost everyone in town, it can feel a little intimidating to wear hair in public and not feel like you owe everyone an explanation. For me personally, I think it helped me be open about it from the beginning. 

Whenever I would see someone who complimented my hair, I almost always would explain it was a hair piece. I wouldn’t do this to strangers necessarily but to someone who I know might be super confused about how I magically grew amazing hair overnight, I felt it appropriate to give a quick explanation. This helped me with my confidence quickly because I didn’t feel like I had to hide the fact I wear hair. 

I’ve never had anyone be rude about it and in fact I’ve had many people in my community seek me out for help in looking for alternative hair. It makes me super happy that people can feel safe with me just because I’ve been willing to be open about it.

You were 19 when you first started experiencing hair loss. If you could go back and tell 19 year old Lacie one piece of advice, what would it be? 

That you’re not a freak of nature! There are so many women going through this same thing and they’re not all post-menopausal. Forming connections with these women will help you heal in a way you could never imagine.

What are your pet peeves about wigs? What makes you feel hesitant about wigs over toppers? 

I have a super flat head. I’m talking flat in the back and flat on top, like a box. So for me, wigs just don’t feel as secure as my toppers. They tend to ride up in the back, at the nape of the neck. I just don’t have a prominent occipital bone and a higher hairline so the tension of the lace at the hairline is an awkward angle and doesn’t keep a wig in place as well as other head shapes. It normally takes quite a bit of prep for me to wear a wig securely and even then, I feel like it’s slipping a lot. I’m still working on finding ways to remedy that but I tend to gravitate towards my toppers because they’re just easier and more secure for me. 

I’m also so used to blending my own hairline that I sometimes struggle with lace. Sometimes it can look amazing and sometimes it can look obvious. 

What are your first impressions of the Silk or Lace Collection wigs

First thing is how realistic the hairline is! I love the bleached knots, the HD lace, and the plucked hairline. 

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On top of that, the band at the nape is fantastic and works like a built in wig grip. It feels a lot more secure than others I’ve tried.


What kind of wig wearer is the Silk or Lace Collection best for?

I think if someone is looking for an ultra realistic hairline this is an excellent option. Especially if you have thinning through the temple area since this hairline would recreate that beautifully. As well as someone who doesn’t like to wear wig grips but usually relies on them for security. 

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You can shop all Silk or Lace Collection HD lace human hair wigs here!

Follow Lacie on socials:

Tik Tok: @lacie.rodriguez

Instagram: @lacie.rodriguez


Keep up with Silk or Lace on socials:

Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook & Pinterest: @silkorlace


Hire Expert Certified Intelligence Cyber Wizard for any job?
I was persuaded to buy cryptocurrency by someone I met online. They have access to a group of analysts who provide reliable predictions for the rise and fall of BTC. I initially attempted with a modest amount just to be sure, and I was successful in withdrawing money twice. This demonstrated a growth in the signals I was receiving. I decided to include corporate funds as well. When I tried to contact the individual at that point, he had banned all of his connections, which is when everything started to go wrong. I tried everything until a friend of mine introduced me to a hacker INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD, a company that helps individuals and businesses recover their stolen BTC assets. They truly helped me to recover everything at an affordable fee and I was exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits. If you are in the same mess, To learn more about them kindly reach out to them with the details below:

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I want to sincerely thank and acknowledge this outstanding bitcoin recovery expert. I am among the fortunate individuals on the internet who were duped by an online investment platform and, thanks to technology, was able to get my money back from a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment. I can attest that it is indeed possible to recover all of your lost cryptocurrency assets with WIZARD LARRY Recovery services, even though not many people are fortunate enough to hear about them. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done, and if you ever become a victim of an internet scam, you should definitely get in touch with them using the details provided below.

Email: wizardlarry@mail.com



If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it’s truly remarkable.
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I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Osazu on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Osazu today on this Email address: osazu_spell@outlook.com

How Can I Get My Scammed Bitcoin Back? Through Captain WebGenesis.

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, the unfortunate reality is that fund loss or theft can occur, leaving individuals in a state of panic and uncertainty. Attempting to navigate the intricate landscape of fund recovery independently can often exacerbate the situation, leading to further complications and potentially resulting in the loss of valuable time and resources. However, there are reputable firms like Captain WebGenesis that specialize in crypto scam recovery services. Their team of dedicated professionals goes above and beyond to help victims recover their assets efficiently and effectively.

Send complaint to;
Email: (Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com)
SMS; +1(501)-436(9362).
Website; https://captainwebgenesis.com.

How Can I Get My Scammed Bitcoin Back? Through Captain WebGenesis.

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, the unfortunate reality is that fund loss or theft can occur, leaving individuals in a state of panic and uncertainty. Attempting to navigate the intricate landscape of fund recovery independently can often exacerbate the situation, leading to further complications and potentially resulting in the loss of valuable time and resources. However, there are reputable firms like Captain WebGenesis that specialize in crypto scam recovery services. Their team of dedicated professionals goes above and beyond to help victims recover their assets efficiently and effectively.

Send complaint to;
Email: (Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com)
SMS; +1(501)-436(9362).
Website; https://captainwebgenesis.com.

How Can I Get My Scammed Bitcoin Back? Through Captain WebGenesis.

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, the unfortunate reality is that fund loss or theft can occur, leaving individuals in a state of panic and uncertainty. Attempting to navigate the intricate landscape of fund recovery independently can often exacerbate the situation, leading to further complications and potentially resulting in the loss of valuable time and resources. However, there are reputable firms like Captain WebGenesis that specialize in crypto scam recovery services. Their team of dedicated professionals goes above and beyond to help victims recover their assets efficiently and effectively.

Send complaint to;
Email: (Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com)
SMS; +1(501)-436(9362).
Website; https://captainwebgenesis.com.

Hire A Legal Bitcoin Recovery Agency: iBolt Cyber Hacker

I recently had the opportunity to work with iBolt Cyber Hacker to recover my Bitcoin, I couldn’t be more satisfied with their service. Their team has deep understanding of cryptocurrency recovery. they took the time to explain the entire recovery process, addressing all my concerns and questions. Throughout the recovery, they kept me updated with regular progress reports. They managed to recover my Bitcoin in a timely manner. The transparency and honesty displayed by the iBolt Cyber Hacker team is truly commendable.

You’ve lost access to your Bitcoin, I recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker.

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Hire A Legal Bitcoin Recovery Agency: iBolt Cyber Hacker

I recently had the opportunity to work with iBolt Cyber Hacker to recover my Bitcoin, I couldn’t be more satisfied with their service. Their team has deep understanding of cryptocurrency recovery. they took the time to explain the entire recovery process, addressing all my concerns and questions. Throughout the recovery, they kept me updated with regular progress reports. They managed to recover my Bitcoin in a timely manner. The transparency and honesty displayed by the iBolt Cyber Hacker team is truly commendable.

You’ve lost access to your Bitcoin, I recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker.

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Website: h t t p s : / / ibolt cyber hack . com /

Hire A Legal Bitcoin Recovery Agency: iBolt Cyber Hacker

I recently had the opportunity to work with iBolt Cyber Hacker to recover my Bitcoin, I couldn’t be more satisfied with their service. Their team has deep understanding of cryptocurrency recovery. they took the time to explain the entire recovery process, addressing all my concerns and questions. Throughout the recovery, they kept me updated with regular progress reports. They managed to recover my Bitcoin in a timely manner. The transparency and honesty displayed by the iBolt Cyber Hacker team is truly commendable.

You’ve lost access to your Bitcoin, I recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker.

Email: S u p p o r t @ ibolt cyber hack . com
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My Dear friends online, My name is Amanda Stepfan And i live in USA, Ohio, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is DR. IGE. I email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happen, less than two days my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me i was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that am pregnant. Thanks to DR. IGE, for saving my marriage and for also saving others own too. Continue your good work, If you are interested to contact the great spell caster. email address: drigeajayi@gmail.com. contact him on whatsapp +2348130035939

Hire Intelligence Cyber Wizard, e-mail Us, there are a few scenarios in which we can be able to assist you in recovery your stolen Bitcoin.

$610 million was hacked from the Chinese platform in August 2021. Customers got their crypto back after identifying the scammers.
$534 million was stolen from the Japanese exchange in 2018. Customers were eventually reimbursed.
$450 million Bitcoin was hacked in 2014. Customers are not reimbursed as scammers are not identified yet.
$210 million were stolen by North Korean hackers in 2020. Customers got their crypto back after identifying the scammer.
If you lost your crypto, the only way to get your crypto back is to identify the scammers. We know exactly how to do it.
WALLET TRANSACTION ANALYSIS: Trace your crypto and identify the exchange wallet address with digital forensic investigation. Once we know who is holding your crypto, we go after that criminal.
RECOVER YOUR CRYPTO: We will hunt down the scammers and force them to retrieve your crypto. If anyone can recover your crypto, that is us, we are registered Business in the USA, Featured in Big Media: We have been featured in the world’s leading print and electronic media, including BBC, CNN, Business Insider, Fox News, CBS etc for our innovative ideas and excellence in the cybercrime and cybersecurity industries, We know how to recover stolen cryptocurrencies and successfully recovered millions of dollars.

At INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD Consulting we do not initiate calls without request. We only call clients that reached out to us via email.
Contact us
Email: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com
Zangi Messenger: 1036577840. If you don’t have zangi, get it via google play store 

Finding a guiding light amidst the darkness is rare. Yet, in my journey through the treacherous terrain of digital investments, I stumbled upon PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY, a beacon of reliability and trustworthiness.Hailing from Montreal, Canada, my foray into the world of cryptocurrency investment started with high hopes and hefty sums. Entrusting my hard-earned money to a seemingly reputable platform, I never fathomed the deceit lurking beneath the surface. It was a rude awakening when I discovered that the platform I had placed my faith in was nothing more than a sham, preying on unsuspecting investors like myself.Desperate for a glimmer of hope amidst the despair, I turned to the vast expanse of the internet for solutions. Among the myriad of reviews and testimonials, one name stood out like a guiding star: PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY. Skeptical yet determined, I embarked on a thorough investigation into their services, leaving no stone unturned in my quest for assurance.With a heavy heart and a fervent prayer for redemption, I reached out to PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY, laying bare the intricate web of cryptocurrency transactions that had ensnared me. Armed with nothing but my faith and a flicker of hope, I entrusted them with the daunting task of reclaiming what was rightfully my astonishment and eternal gratitude, PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY proved to be more than just a glimmer of hope – they were a veritable lifeline in my darkest hour. In less than 48 hours, their team of experts worked tirelessly to unravel the tangled threads of deception, meticulously tracing the path of my lost cryptocurrency.The amount at stake was not insignificant – a substantial sum that represented not just monetary value, but dreams deferred and trust betrayed. Yet, with unwavering determination and unparalleled expertise, PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY rose to the challenge, emerging victorious where others had faltered.Their commitment to excellence and dedication to their clients transcends mere professionalism – it is a testament to their unwavering integrity and genuine compassion. In every interaction, they exude warmth and empathy, guiding their clients through the tumultuous seas of uncertainty with unwavering support and steadfast resolve. What sets PRO Email: prowizard gilbert recovery(@) engineer . com apart is not just their unparalleled success rate, but their unwavering commitment to justice and fairness. They stand as guardians of integrity in an industry rife with deception, shining a light on the path to redemption for those who have been anyone who finds themselves ensnared in the labyrinth of cryptocurrency fraud, I offer this beacon of hope: PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY. Trust in their expertise, lean on their support, and rest assured that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem, there is always a way out. With PRO WIZARD GIlBERT RECOVERY by your side, redemption is not just a distant dream. PRO WIZARD GILBERT RECOVERY Homepage: https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.xyz

Hello, my name is Sheryl Crow from Illinois USA. I am so full of joy writing this testimony to share with the people out there who must have giving up on hope that “there is no cure for HERPES VIRUS”. Once, I was a victim to the oppression of HERPES VIRUS, I was so stigmatized because of this, to an extent I had to stop working. I have visited so many hospitals that I lost numbers of them and all the medical practitioners tell me is “sorry madam, there is no cure for it” or better still, they describe drugs for me to buy and believe you me, this drugs are so very expensive and for this reason, I was financially handicap. I had an encounter with Dr Zaza who became a savior to me from the dreaded virus through the help of a friend of mine (Roseline). Roseline gave me a link to Dr Zaza, giving me assurance that he could cure me Hey there, I want to share an incredible story with you. I was seriously unwell and feeling completely defeated. That’s when I reached out to Dr. Zaza for help. she was compassionate and promised to create a special herbal drink for me. Skeptical at first, I decided to follow his instructions, and to my amazement, it actually worked! Now, I’m healthier than ever, and I no longer live in fear of getting sick. If you or someone you know is battling illnesses like HIV, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and more, I have great news. Dr Zaza is the real deal. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him at drzazaspiritualhome@gmail.com and you can also Add Dr Zaza on whatsApp number on +2349074392372.Experience freedom from the grip of diseases.

Most people get into a marriage with high and full spirits. They know full well what they are getting into and accept this with an open heart. While you may say that there is a lot of type in marriages especially on the days leading up to the wedding day, it can get a bit frustrating to have a misunderstanding in your relationship. I have been through hell with my husband for a very long time but With the help of the great spell caster, I was able to resolve my marriage issue and now I finally find happiness in my marriage. For anyone going through any kind of relationship issue or you like to get back with your ex, I will suggest getting in touch with the best relationship advice specialist that will bring happiness back into your home. You can get in touch with The Great LORD RICHARD relationship and affair advisor on WhatsApp: + 1 (360)884-0286 or lordrichardspell@gmail.com . He is always ready to help people and bring back happiness into your life.

special divine .
From Ohio United states

I am  john danilla  from UK, i want to share a
testimony on how a powerful spell caster cured my HIV disease, i was
diagnosed of this disease, in the year 2009, last week i saw a testimony on
Dr. on how he cured an HIV patient, so i contacted him through phone
call and he asked me to email him, which idid, so he told me that all my
problems is over and then he decided to do an healing spell spell for me so
after he finished it, he told me to wait for just 24 hours and then i
should go for a test, so i really did as he had said, so my greatest
surprised when i went to the hospital to go for an HIV test, the Medical
doctor diagnosed that, i am now HIV negetative at first i was amazed and
now i have come to realise that this spell caster Dr. believe is a very
powerful one and a real spell caster. So viewers of this should please join
me in my celebration for i am the happiest man on earth today and if you
want to contact him, you can do this via his email
(drbelieve921@gmail.com) or whatsapp him +2348105257464

I am  john danilla  from UK, i want to share a
testimony on how a powerful spell caster cured my HIV disease, i was
diagnosed of this disease, in the year 2009, last week i saw a testimony on
Dr. on how he cured an HIV patient, so i contacted him through phone
call and he asked me to email him, which idid, so he told me that all my
problems is over and then he decided to do an healing spell spell for me so
after he finished it, he told me to wait for just 24 hours and then i
should go for a test, so i really did as he had said, so my greatest
surprised when i went to the hospital to go for an HIV test, the Medical
doctor diagnosed that, i am now HIV negetative at first i was amazed and
now i have come to realise that this spell caster Dr. believe is a very
powerful one and a real spell caster. So viewers of this should please join
me in my celebration for i am the happiest man on earth today and if you
want to contact him, you can do this via his email
(drbelieve921@gmail.com) or whatsapp him +2348105257464

I am  john danilla  from UK, i want to share a
testimony on how a powerful spell caster cured my HIV disease, i was
diagnosed of this disease, in the year 2009, last week i saw a testimony on
Dr. on how he cured an HIV patient, so i contacted him through phone
call and he asked me to email him, which idid, so he told me that all my
problems is over and then he decided to do an healing spell spell for me so
after he finished it, he told me to wait for just 24 hours and then i
should go for a test, so i really did as he had said, so my greatest
surprised when i went to the hospital to go for an HIV test, the Medical
doctor diagnosed that, i am now HIV negetative at first i was amazed and
now i have come to realise that this spell caster Dr. believe is a very
powerful one and a real spell caster. So viewers of this should please join
me in my celebration for i am the happiest man on earth today and if you
want to contact him, you can do this via his email
(drbelieve921@gmail.com) or whatsapp him +2348105257464

I am  john danilla  from UK, i want to share a
testimony on how a powerful spell caster cured my HIV disease, i was
diagnosed of this disease, in the year 2009, last week i saw a testimony on
Dr. on how he cured an HIV patient, so i contacted him through phone
call and he asked me to email him, which idid, so he told me that all my
problems is over and then he decided to do an healing spell spell for me so
after he finished it, he told me to wait for just 24 hours and then i
should go for a test, so i really did as he had said, so my greatest
surprised when i went to the hospital to go for an HIV test, the Medical
doctor diagnosed that, i am now HIV negetative at first i was amazed and
now i have come to realise that this spell caster Dr. believe is a very
powerful one and a real spell caster. So viewers of this should please join
me in my celebration for i am the happiest man on earth today and if you
want to contact him, you can do this via his email
(drbelieve921@gmail.com) or whatsapp him +2348105257464


The cryptocurrency market has grown more unstable, and these investment firms have preyed on those hoping to earn handsomely from their cryptocurrency holdings. As one of the victims of a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment scheme, I lost $221,000 in all. Luckily, I was able to contact FRAUD FIGHTER HACKER RECOVERY, the most well-known and reliable cryptocurrency recovery firm, who was able to assist me in getting my cryptocurrency back. I was left behind and was unable to access my investment accounts or cryptocurrency wallet. I am thrilled and appreciative of FRAUD FIGHTER HACKER RECOVERY’s assistance in helping me retrieve $221,000 of my cryptocurrency funds. Regards.

EMAIL: Fraudfighterhackers@gmail.com
WEBSITE: Fraudfighterhacker.wixsite.com/fraud-fighter-hacker

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