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I Hated My Hair.

I Hated My Hair.

We interviewed 5 drastically different women who shared one commonality that perhaps every woman can relate to - our tumultuous relationship with our hair and how society has shaped our views.

Richelle, Hailee, Zoey, Sarah, and Morgan's hair journeys reveal how important hair is to a woman's identity and our struggles to fit impossible celebrity standards.

Morgan, who was eventually diagnosed with alopecia totalis, first experienced hair loss in her late teens. 

"It was middle of junior year and that's when I realized I had a bald spot on the back of my head. I actually didn't see it, I was blow drying my hair and my mom was sitting in my room. And she screamed at me and said, 'oh my gosh, Morgan!' I was like, 'what!' 'You have a bald spot!'
She took a picture and of course, my first reaction is, what is that...did I burn my hair off...
We went to different doctors and they said it was a form of alopecia.
A few months later, it started getting worse.... I thought it would eventually go away, but little did I know, I would go bald."

Hair is something we all take for granted and yet almost every woman has said at some point in her life, "I hate my hair."

As we dive deep into why that is, each woman realized she was impacted by society's standards of what "good hair should look like."

Richelle, a Black woman growing up in a predominantly White neighborhood and school, realized her hair was a source of attention:

"My hair was very different from everybody else's - it's textured. I remember hating my hair because it was a source of attention and everybody would touch my hair.
I used to beg my mom to get a relaxer and chemically straighten it, just so that I could be 'normal.'"

Sarah, who grew up watching Korean dramas, recounted all the beautiful celebrities she saw on TV:

"I looked at all of their hair - you know, it was all straight, silky, long and black and so thick. You realize you're looking at hair that's 100% perfect."

These impossible standards tell us that our own hair, in all of its different textures, styles, thickness, and curls, are not good enough on their own.

The tumultuous journey impacts our identities, sense of self worth, and femininity.

Zoey, who struggled most of her life to tame her curly hair, realized she didn't necessarily need to fit into these standards through her journey of self discovery with her sexuality. 

"When I started realizing I liked women, it completely changes your identity of how you present yourself. So my senior year, when I finally could go to prom and be out there, that's when I cut my hair."

Hailee also wanted her hair to reflect her changing identity. 

"People tell you that you're pretty and valuable because of your hair. And no, I'm so much more than that. I told my roommate, you know what, today's the day...and we cut [my hair] all off."

Hating her hair, losing her hair, changing her hair - these are experiences that many women can relate with as we struggle to feel like we fit in and feel beautiful.

But this journey can also lead us to evolve, become stronger, and grow beyond popular culture and celebrities' depictions of "perfect hair."

"Good hair is perceived as long or straight or has a looser curl pattern, but over time I just realized good hair simply means your hair is healthy and you're taking care of it the best way you know how."  - Richelle

"I went from I can't tell anybody because they'll judge me...to oh my god, this is the best thing that's happened to me.

You got through a journey of being this person that you want to be so badly. But just be who you are. I now love when people come up to me and say, 'omg I love your hair' and I tell them, 'Thanks! It's a wig!'" - Morgan


Each woman we interviewed recounted that their hair journey - whether it be alopecia and hair loss, chemical hair damage from hair dye or relaxers, trying to tame curly hair - helped them realize that they could love their hair despite it not being what others' said it should be.

This path to self acceptance and self love enabled them to want to share their experience with others in the hopes that it can help other women find peace with their hair.

"I'm going to come to this experience different. I'm going to see who I am with different hair and I'm going to love her regardless what my [previous] image of her was.

I hear people lean on my appearance as a woman. I think I'm a masculine woman. Like I don't think I'm a feminine woman. Femininity changed [when I shaved my hair]. I was looking at myself different. Other people probably wonder, 'is that a woman?'

And I'm ok with that. I think when we talk about femininity and masculinity, I think we have both and they key is to balance it within ourselves. I think [buzzing my hair] gave me the opportunity to express my masculinity more. Which is something I was afraid of - being a strong masculine character because I feel like in a lot of ways...that's intimidating. 

But it's not, it can be gentle. My relationship with my hair now, I care about it more." Hailee

Every hair journey is different and we all deserve to celebrate what makes us unique.

"Everyone's hair is so different, so unique. It shouldn't be what everyone else expects it to be, it should be just what you want it to be. It's hard to ignore and recognize that a lot of the pressure comes from the outside world.
Hair loss is a very manageable lifestyle. I remember in the beginning, thinking, there's no solution to this. I was so wrong. You'll be surprised at how resilient you are in the process, and it's so worth it to go through [hair loss].
Hair loss is a very transformative process. As you shed your own hair, I feel like you shed a lot of other things you thought were important in life. You will have a bigger perspective on life and you will be kinder to yourself and that will start the process of loving who you are." - Sarah

Curly, straight, thin, bald, and buzzed hair are ALL beautiful hair!


Watch their full individual interviews on our Instagram: @silkorlace

Watch more on our Tiktok: @silkorlace


Continue the conversation with us on Clubhouse on April 1 (more info on our IG!)


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Binary Options Scam Recovery

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My private information was stolen by a cyber attack on my computer and digital devices, I lost the secret phrase to my coinbase account and I couldn’t access my wallet holding $427,000 worth of USDT, SOL$. I was devastated by this incident which was unexpected and happened quickly and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I found out about Morphohack Cyber Service a few days later after going back and forth looking for a way to get this resolved. Morphohack cyber-service was able to detect how my computer was hacked and how to recover my secret phrases, within 72 hours of the process, Morphohack successfully retrieved my secret phrases and access to my coinbase account, helped me build a firewall that continues to protect my computer from any hack in the future. It’s applauding the success Morphohack guarantees when you hire them as I have seen many reviews online about their services. You can contact them via Morphohack@CyberServices.com & Whats-App: +1 (213 – 672 – 4092)

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My private information was stolen by a cyber attack on my computer and digital devices, I lost the secret phrase to my coinbase account and I couldn’t access my wallet holding $427,000 worth of USDT, SOL$. I was devastated by this incident which was unexpected and happened quickly and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I found out about Morphohack Cyber Service a few days later after going back and forth looking for a way to get this resolved. Morphohack cyber-service was able to detect how my computer was hacked and how to recover my secret phrases, within 72 hours of the process, Morphohack successfully retrieved my secret phrases and access to my coinbase account, helped me build a firewall that continues to protect my computer from any hack in the future. It’s applauding the success Morphohack guarantees when you hire them as I have seen many reviews online about their services. You can contact them via Morphohack@CyberServices.com & Whats-App: +1 (213 – 672 – 4092)

In the bustling world of cryptocurrency, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of excitement and opportunity. Bitcoin was soaring, and everyone seemed to be making fortunes overnight. Eager to join the ranks of successful investors, I decided to dive headfirst into the digital gold rush. Little did I know, my journey would take an unexpected turn, leading me to the brink of despair— It all began with a seemingly legitimate investment platform I stumbled upon online. The website was sleek, the promises were grand, and the testimonials were glowing. They claimed to offer unparalleled returns on Bitcoin investments, backed by cutting-edge technology and expert traders. Seduced by the allure of quick wealth, I transferred $600,000 worth of Bitcoin to their platform, convinced I was making the smartest move of my life, the platform’s customer support, once responsive, went silent. My account, which was supposed to show growing profits, remained stagnant. Panic set in when I realized I couldn’t withdraw my funds. The platform had locked me out, and my Bitcoin was gone. I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam, and my life savings were at stake, Desperate and distraught, I scoured the internet for solutions. That’s when I discovered Dexdert Net Pro, a renowned cybersecurity and asset recovery firm specializing in cryptocurrency fraud, From the very first interaction, Dexdert Net Pro exuded professionalism and empathy. Their team of experts listened to my story, analyzed the details, and assured me they would do everything in their power to reclaim my lost Bitcoin. They explained their process, which involved tracing the digital footprints of the stolen funds, leveraging blockchain forensics, Dexdert Net Pro kept me updated every step of the way, providing reassurance and clarity. Their team worked tirelessly, It was a race against time, as the fraudsters attempted to launder the funds through multiple wallets and exchanges, after weeks of relentless effort, Dexdert Net Pro had successfully traced and recovered my $600,000 worth of Bitcoin. The relief was overwhelming, and I couldn’t believe my fortune had been restored. The team had not only reclaimed my funds but also provided me with invaluable advice on how to safeguard my investments in the future, Grateful beyond words, I thanked Dexdert Net Pro for their expertise, dedication, and unwavering support. They had turned my nightmare into a story of hope and redemption.

Contact detail:


Contact Spyhost Cyber Security Company for your cryptocurrency recovery. This is the best crypto recovery company I have encountered and I’m here to share my experience with you all. Spyhost Cyber Security Company was able to recover my crypto funds from the locked account of my crypto investment platform. It took Spyhost Cyber Security Comapny just 72 hours to recover the sum of $278,000 that I lost in cryptocurrency. I’m truly grateful for their help and professional service. Spyhost Cyber Security can be trusted as they are very reliable and trustworthy.

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I highly recommend a fantastic hacker, who helped me Recover my money after I fell for a fraudulent Crypto Investment scammer. I became broke and couldn’t even afford to pay my bills, and my girlfriend left me because I had lost all of my life savings to this ripper. I saw an advertisement about this recovery MOGUL, so I contacted him at info @ recovery 49 hacker.com and explained my situation. He gave me assurance that I will definitely get my money back, which I assumed was just what hackers do, but when I got the evidence that he could actually get it, I was perplexed. Finally I got my $90,000 USD back from those rippers, which made me so .happy. So I decided others know about RECOVERY 49 HACKER so they can benefit from its excellent work. Email: info@recovery49hacker.com

How Hackers Gained Access to My Crypto Wallet and Sensitive Data through a Keylogger sent to my device through a phishing email.
I’ll advise others to be wary of the kind of emails they open, as this happened a few weeks ago when a phishing email was sent to my email unknowingly to me that it was a keylogger with the intent of stealing my private information and if not for the intervention of Morphohack Cyber Services, I would have been cleaned out completely. I contacted Morphohack Cyber Services a week after that incident and they detected the keylogger in my computer which has been there for months stealing my private information. If my crypto wallet was not drained, I would not have been aware of the keylogger in my device. Morphohack was able to secure my devices and retrieve my crypto wallet including the crypto assets. Their sophisticated security features and malware can beat any hacking tools available and they are very professional and ethical. Morphohack is a lifesaver and I hugely recommend their services. Their E-mail. Morphohack@Cyberservices.com & WhatsApp. +1 – 213 – 672 – 4092

It all started when I woke up one morning to find my crypto wallet drained—every last Bitcoin I’d invested in was gone. Months of careful trading, wiped out in an instant. I’d fallen victim to a slick phishing scam that tricked me into handing over my private keys. Devastated, I thought it was over. That’s when a friend mentioned Alpha Spy Nest, a shadowy group of crypto recovery specialists who’d helped him out of a similar mess.Skeptical but desperate, I reached out. Within hours, a voice on the other end—calm, confident, and anonymous—told me they’d take the case. They called themselves “Nest operatives,” and they didn’t waste time. First, they asked for every detail I could remember: the suspicious email, the fake login page, the moment I realized I’d been had. I handed it all over, expecting nothing but a polite “we’ll try.”What I didn’t know was that Alpha Spy Nest was already on the move. Their team—part hackers, part detectives—dived into the blockchain like bloodhounds. They traced the stolen Bitcoin as it bounced through a dizzying maze of wallets, each one a little more obscure than the last. Most people would’ve given up, but not them. They had tools I’d never heard of, scraping data from dark web forums and piecing together clues like a digital jigsaw puzzle.Days later, they called me back. “We’ve got a lead,” the voice said. They’d tracked the thief to a sloppy exchange account tied to a poorly hidden IP address. The operatives didn’t stop there—they cross-referenced the wallet activity with chatter on underground crypto channels and found the culprit bragging about his haul. With that, they flipped the script. Using a mix of social engineering and what I can only assume was some next-level tech, they baited the thief into moving the funds again—right into a trap wallet Alpha Spy Nest controlled. Few days after I’d lost everything, I got a final message: “Check your account.” There it was—my Bitcoin, back where it belonged, minus a modest fee for their trouble. I never met the team, never even learned their real names. All I knew was that Alpha Spy Nest had turned my nightmare into a miracle, and I’d never click a shady link again.Contacts: Email: Alphaspynest@mail.com, WhatsApp: ‪+14159714490‬, Telegram: https://t.me/Alphaspynest

I highly recommend a fantastic hacker, who helped me Recover my money after I fell for a fraudulent Crypto Investment scammer. I became broke and couldn’t even afford to pay my bills, and my girlfriend left me because I had lost all of my life savings to this ripper. I saw an advertisement about this recovery MOGUL, so I contacted him at info @ recovery 49 hacker.com and explained my situation .He gave me assurance that I will definitely get my money back, which I assumed was just what hackers do, but when I got the evidence that he could actually get it, I was perplexed .Finally I got my $90,000 USD back from those rippers, which made me so happy. So I decided to let others know about RECOVERY 49 HACKER so they can benefit from its excellent work. Email : info@recovery49hacker.com

Cryptocurrency Romance Scam Recovery Expert – Fast Swift Cyber Services Today

If you’ve been a victim of a romance cryptocurrency scam, you understand the pain and frustration of losing your money to fraudsters who prey on trust. Fast Swift Cyber Services are specialist who has earned a reputation for helping individuals recover funds lost in these scams. I had the unfortunate experience of being scammed by a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment scheme, and after months of feeling helpless, I reached out to Fast Swift Cyber Services for assistance.

Fast Swift Cyber Services kept me updated regularly, answering any questions I had and offering advice on how to avoid similar scams in the future. What impressed me most was their commitment and their ethical approach. They never made unrealistic promises or guarantees, but they worked tirelessly on my case, and after some time, I saw significant progress in recovering part of my lost funds.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend Fast Swift Cyber Services.

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Workmanship fee is to be settled AFTER successful recovery.

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Asore Hack Corp. is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
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Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp (@) gmail (.) com

Transparency is our watchword !

Stay Safe out there !

I encourage anyone who needs the service of recovering their lost Bitcoin to use Santoshi Hackers Intelligence. I chose to invest in cryptocurrencies and unfortunately, I lost all of my crypto to another investor. The person who was meant to manage my account turned out to be an impostor the entire time. It was a disheartening experience, to say the least. I invested a significant sum of 504,000 USDC, and initially, everything appeared promising with good reading and profit margins. However, when I attempted to withdraw, I couldn’t and that’s when I discovered that I could no longer contact my supposed account manager. It was then that I became very concerned. That’s when I found out about SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE. I had read some evaluations of their service and how useful they had been for many individuals who had lost their money. I contacted them right away to ask for help and intervention. SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE worked tirelessly to locate and recover my lost funds. The stolen Bitcoin was successfully returned to me, something I thought would never happen. I can’t express my gratitude towards SHI enough. I advise their services to anyone who has gone through a similar experience. They are knowledgeable, professional, and most importantly, trustworthy. Thank you for reading my story and please do not hesitate to get in touch with them if you find yourself in the same situation. ‘’ casefile@shi-us.com ’’ Your Safety Is Guaranteed.

Good day, my name is. Michaela Rojickova from luxembourg. I live in Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA and I am a happy woman today, And I told myself that any lender that saves my family from our bad situation, I will refer any person or company looking for a loan to them, they gave me and my family happiness, I needed a loan of $100,000 to be able to start my life again because I am a single mother with 2 children, I met this honest and God fearing lender who helped me get a loan of $100,000 if you need a loan and you will repay the loan please contact them via Email: Reply to Email ( cristydavis533@gmail.com ) Legit Contact for Loan Lender Thanks.

Good day, my name is. Michaela Rojickova from luxembourg. I live in Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA and I am a happy woman today, And I told myself that any lender that saves my family from our bad situation, I will refer any person or company looking for a loan to them, they gave me and my family happiness, I needed a loan of $100,000 to be able to start my life again because I am a single mother with 2 children, I met this honest and God fearing lender who helped me get a loan of $100,000 if you need a loan and you will repay the loan please contact them via Email: Reply to Email ( cristydavis533@gmail.com ) Legit Contact for Loan Lender Thanks.

I got a lot of gifts for my girlfriend on valentines day and we were supposed to spend the night with each other but she gave some sort of excuses which i considered her. Called her that night to know if she was ok but her phone was switched off which was not normal so I called her sister just know if my girlfriend was ok but her sister told me that she said she was going to spend the night at my place, I got more suspicious because she told me she would be at her place helping out, but I figured she lied to me. I had to make some research on how to hack her phone remotely and darkhatthacker@gmail.com popped up as the best for the job so I emailed darkhatthacker@gmail.com and also gave necessary informations to get her phone hacked. In less than 2 hours I got into her phone remotely even while her phone was off, I went through her WhatsApp and iMessages, I saw she was currently with her ex boyfriend. I felt heartbroken because I did everything to make her happy on valentines day and she ended up sleeping with her ex that night. I just want to say thank you to darkhatthacker@gmail.com because services like this helps to know your place in your partners heart.

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I’m Sir Mike R. Kendalla from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the exceptional crypto scam recovery services provided by INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY. Their expertise gave me a second chance, restoring my faith and financial stability.

After being ensnared by scammers for two agonizing months, I lost everything. They vanished, leaving me devastated and financially drained. Desperate for justice, I stumbled upon INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY . Their team worked tirelessly to track down the scammers, and remarkably, we recovered my stolen funds.

I’m honored to have encountered INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY , the mastermind behind this remarkable crypto recovery service. Their dedication and expertise are unparalleled. If you ever fall a victim to cryptocurrency scam I will advise you kindly reach out to INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY to reclaim your losses.

Email: infinitedigitalrecovery@proton.me
Telegram: https://t.me/infinitedigitalrecovery
Whatsapp: +1 323 554 3592

I’m Sir Mike R. Kendalla from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the exceptional crypto scam recovery services provided by INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY. Their expertise gave me a second chance, restoring my faith and financial stability.

After being ensnared by scammers for two agonizing months, I lost everything. They vanished, leaving me devastated and financially drained. Desperate for justice, I stumbled upon INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY . Their team worked tirelessly to track down the scammers, and remarkably, we recovered my stolen funds.

I’m honored to have encountered INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY , the mastermind behind this remarkable crypto recovery service. Their dedication and expertise are unparalleled. If you ever fall a victim to cryptocurrency scam I will advise you kindly reach out to INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY to reclaim your losses.

Email: infinitedigitalrecovery@proton.me
Telegram: https://t.me/infinitedigitalrecovery
Whatsapp: +1 323 554 3592

I had the most terrible moments of my life few weeks back when I lost all my savings to a self acclaimed crypto investment platform which promised me a massive return on my investment to lure me into debt which I went bankrupt. They kept asking for more and more money while I tried withdrawals of my profits. I lost both profits and my investment until I read about Century Web fund recovery services. I wrote this agency immediately and they requested for some info. Within 24 hours, all my funds were restored and I could smile again. I’m grateful I met the most reliable fund retrieval team. You can as Well Contact Them if you have similar issues Email: century@cyberservices.com WhatsApp: +13862608052

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